Catch all segments

Next.js provides the catch-all segments feature which allows for flexible routing. Let's say we want to create a documentation site with multiple features and concepts, where each concept has its own unique route. Instead of creating separate files for each route, we can use the catch-all segments route.


To implement catch-all segments, follow these steps:

  • Create a app/docs folder.
  • Inside the docs folder, create a folder with a special name recognized by Next.js. Use square brackets and three dots (for example, [...slug]) to enclose a name of your choice.
  • Inside the docs folder, create a page.js file with a basic React component representing the documentation home page.
export default function Docs() {
  return <h1>Docs home page</h1>;
  • create page.js file on [...slug] folder and use below code for that.
  • To access the different segments in the URL, utilize the params object provided by Next.js. For example: localhost:3000/docs/routing/catch-all-segments can render the following component:
export default function Doc({ params }) {
  if (params.slug.length === 2) {
    return (
        Viewing docs for feature {params.slug[0]} and concept {params.slug[1]}
  } else if (params.slug.length === 1) {
    return <h1>Viewing docs for feature {params.slug[0]}</h1>;
  return <h1>Doc page</h1>;

With catch-all segments, you can create a hierarchical structure for your routes, allowing better organization and SEO, while reusing a single file for different variations of the URL. This approach is particularly useful for documentation websites.

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